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救援小猫的故事 | A Kitty Rescue Story



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On our way to see the 10:30 PM showing of Aladdin, we spotted a little fur ball on the ground. There was already a couple at the bus stop that was crouched down slightly, looking at it.


“Oh my goodness, look!!” 


“It’s a kitten!” 


When I see animals outside, as long as they aren’t hurt I will let them go on their way, typically placing them in a safer place if needed. So, I decided to whip out my cellphone and take a closer look to make sure it wasn’t injured. I swiped up and pressed the “flashlight” option.


“Oh no…”


“I think it’s blind.”


The kitten’s eyes were completely covered in fluid; it looked as if it might be blind in one eye, but we weren’t sure. We were scared it had possibly been abused, and we wanted to get it to a hospital right away. Aladdin could wait. Thankfully I had taken a jacket with me, despite how warm it was outside—and I swiftly picked the kitten up and wrapped it loosely in the jacket to keep it warm until we got to the vet.


We walked around looking for hospitals, but unfortunately, due to the late, hour all of the close by pet hospitals I knew of were closed. As we continued to search for hospitals online, we bumped back into the couple from before. They had found a pet hospital nearby that was open until midnight, and called us all a taxi.


When we arrived at the hospital, a veterinarian came out to take a look at the kitten. He couldn’t say for sure what was wrong, but after cleaning the kitten’s eyes and doing some tests he found out that the kitten was cleared of typical illnesses such as FPV, and that it was suffering from a viral infection—hence the slight wheezing and occasional sneezes. He continued to give us more details about the kitten.


“You can tell the kitten is a female because she has several different colors.”


Additionally, the kitten had bugs in her ears, and fleas. We guessed she might have been abandoned after contracting a viral infection, though we are not sure of her entire story. We just know she is quite friendly with humans and pretty well behaved. She just sat on the counter during the examination instead of trying to run away. At one point, she even tried to cozy up to the vet.

我们问了医生下一步该怎么做,医生说我们可以把它带回家也可以把它留在这里, 建议我们把小猫留在这里,继续接受治疗和观察。我们四个人都同意医生的意见比较好,我们还决定分摊小猫的治疗、食物和护理的费用。虽然费用很高,但是我们都知道这只小猫真的很需要帮助。医生也很友好,他甚至给了我们一些折扣,因为我们救助的是一只被遗弃的猫。

After asking for the vet’s advice on what to do next, we were told we could take it home or the kitten could stay at the vet for a week, but it was advised the kitten stays in the vet for at least one week to continue to receive treatment and to monitor her condition. All four of us agreed that staying at the vet was the best idea, and we all decided to split the cost of treatment, food and housing. While the bill was quite high, we all knew that this was a kitten that really needed help. The vet was very helpful and even gave us a bit of a discount for helping an abandoned kitten.



The contact of the hospital is below if you happen to find a stray kitten in the area. They are open until midnight, and very gentle with animals.

Address: Yangpu District, No. 72 Zhengfang road


While this story is not unique, we want to stress the importance of adopting animals over buying them. People tend to buy animals, and especially puppies and kittens from shops which later contract serious infections that have dire consequences when not treated. Whereas, organizations that offer animals for adoption have put in the money and effort to give animals the proper care necessary to get them ready to be adopted into a loving family.


Please considering donating even a small amount towards the treatment and care of Naipi (奶皮--named by the couple that was with us). And if you can’t donate, feel free to share this poster with your friends.


Additionally, you can add us to get in contact with rescue organizations in the area if you would like to be more involved in helping these furbabies get homes!


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