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肯德基要出新素食汉堡!| KFC Reveals Vegan Burger on BBC



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肯德基目前没有提供素食汉堡/The plant-based burger is not currently available at KFC


The One Show, a popular British live magazine program aimed at a mainstream audience, gave chef Nisha Katona the opportunity to taste the new KFC vegan burger. KFC has stated that it is creating a new product in its Innovations Kitchen, and it is likely to be plant-based and vegan friendly.

创新总监Jack Hinchcliffe今年三月告诉《每日电讯报》,素食主义作为一种趋势已经真正爆发,他们不想让素食主义者们失望。他在采访中说,以植物为基础的KFC产品必须是“真正的,真实的,可信的。植物肉饼也不会降低美味标准而让大家失望。”他说:“对我们来说,这关乎把KFC的美味作为素食或素食替代品展示给大众。”

Innovation Director Jack Hinchcliffe told the Telegraph this March that veganism as a trend has really blown up, and that they did not want to let vegans down. He stated in the interview that, a plant-based KFC product would have to be “really credible, authentic and genuine, a bean patty would not cut the mustard as that lets down vegans.” He went to say: “For us it’s about taking the amazing tastes of KFC and offering those in a vegetarian or vegan alternative.”



The release of this exclusive on The One Show clearly shows how mainstream vegan options have become. A few years ago, the topic would have been too niche for the BBC, and definitely for KFC to have taken seriously. Vegan fast food is exploding around the globe with pizza hut, McDonalds and Burger King all successfully launching plant-based options.


主厨师Katona经常以Mowgli Street Food创始人、美食作家和主持人的身份做客BBC。Katona发推特说:“哦,我的天!今天的工作是我梦寐以求的——为BBC录制一个KFC总部开发厨房的专访!同时,我也是第一个品尝新素食鸡肉汉堡的公众,对我来说,真像是在做梦。”

Chef Katona regularly appears on the BBC in her capacity as Mowgli Street Food founder, food writer, and a television presenter. Ms Katona posted on Twitter: "Oh my heaven! On a dream job today - filming for the BBC One Show with exclusive access to the actual KFC headquarters development kitchen. So, I was the first member of the public to taste the new vegan chicken burger. This to me is actually living the dream."

Katona在她的推特留言回复中评价这款纯素汉堡是“绝妙的产品” 附言:此款产品还在KFC的研发过程中,但不得不说确实是一个非常好的开始。

Responding to the comments on Twitter, Ms Katona described the burger as a ‘brilliant product’, adding: ‘[KFC] are still working on it but a truly great start.”


Vegconomist has contacted KFC to comment.


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