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麦当劳的CEO对维根选择发表观点说:"我们正在密切关注" | McDonald’s CEO on Vegan Options



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照片来原Source: McDonald's

麦当劳首席执行官Steve Eastbook参加了CNBC的一次采访,探讨了快餐巨头广泛提供素食选择的可能性。在视频采访中,Easterbrook承认,增加一个植物基的选择可以增加进店量,同时也表示必须进一步的市场调查。

McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook participated in an interview with CNBC to discuss the possibility of the fast food giant offering widespread vegan options. During the video interview, Easterbrook acknowledged that adding a plant-based option could boost foot traffic but said that further market research must be carried out.

The Vegetable Deluxe
照片来原Source: McDonald's 


According to the CEO, McDonalds is interested in the vegan market but needs to know more about who the client base for such products would be, whether that would consist of existing customers or a new client base. He states that the trend is not a fad but needs further confirmation as to whether the current “buzz” will be sustained.

目前,消费者可以购买由雀巢在德国生产的the Big Vegan TS;在英国购买辣蔬菜卷;在英国购买The Vegetable Deluxe(不加酱汁的话就是纯素版);在挪威购买蔬食块;在美国购买Mcaloo Tikki;在挪威购买McVegan汉堡;在芬兰购买El Veggo汉堡。

Der Big Vegan TS
照片来原Source: McDonald's

At present, consumers can purchase the Big Vegan TS in Germany produced by Nestlé; a Spicy Veggie wrap in the UK; The Vegetable Deluxe in the UK (vegan without the sauce); Vegan Vegetable Nuggets in Norway; The McAloo Tikki in the US; McVegan burger in Norway; and the El Veggo burger in Finland.

蔬食块Vegetable Nuggets

(照片来原Source: McDonald's)


During the annual shareholder meeting last week, the company said it is monitoring the market for plant-based products but would not disclose any plans at this point. CNBC reports that McDonald’s stock is at an all time high, up 22% in the last year.


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